About AJ Harding Designs

From the beginning

First off Welcome to AJ Harding Designs and the Beginning!

 How did this thing get started? I get asked this a lot and I guess it needs to start at the beginning.

There was a company named AJ Harding LLC that was a computer repair company.  My husband Doug started these years ago and then got very sick.  He passed away in 2016 after a 2-year battle with lung cancer.  I guess that is where the story begins.  I was cleaning out some files and found his business information.  It made me sad that he never had a chance to make it flourish and be what he had wanted it to be.  He wanted to help people and I know a lot of people got their computers fixed for near nothing. It was OK he had a full-time job to go with that!

I also thought about my corporate job and how awful it was.  I was one of the worst hated people there was because I was change and regulations and I just couldn’t do it anymore.  Needless to say, I found myself alone, cleaning out drawers and trying to find where I fit in this world.  Coming across his business made a huge difference. 

I looked through all the folders and decided it needed to be a business again.  I remember sitting and trying to figure out what I could do with the name.  I just sat, prayed and asked God for direction.  The answer was bead by bead.   I have made bracelets for years.  Everyone in my family had my bracelets.  I was even offered to make them and sell them, but it wasn’t the time.  Raising kids, family, sick husband it just didn’t fit into my important priorities.  It has become my quest to not only keep my husband’s business name but to create and do what I do best and finally something I want to do instead of having to do.

What’s the big deal with the name?
That company name was something my husband thought long and hard to create.  AJ is my youngest son’s initials and Harding is the family name that my husband and oldest son share.  Now my grandson has that name as well.  Generations have owned that name, so it was fitting.  I added designs to it to incorporate Me!  So now I have a little piece of the name.  It is with great honor that I bring this business forward to the world to know and its story.

What’s the deal with red and pink beads?
When my husband was going through his treatments.  It was unbearable. Unless you live cancer, you can’t imagine how stressful, heartbreaking and tormenting it can be.  I was watching my beautiful husband waste away and be sick with treatments.  It takes a toll, and I can’t tell you the amount of anxiety you have when you are watching and going through this process with a loved one.   I wore a bracelet that said Cancer cannot make me weak but keeps me strong.  I can’t tell you how many times I looked at that and how many times it kept me from falling apart.  The only thing is it always made people ask about it and that in itself was another hard thing to try and give the answer to.  I started putting on a red bead to my bracelets as something Suttle, no questions asked but I knew what it meant.  It meant I was strong, and I can do this.   Then I started adding them to my all bracelets not just mine.  I never thought it made a difference until one little girl came to me and said her red bead had broken and she needed it.   I put that bead back on that bracelet and I made her a red string bead bracelet to go right next to it.  She told me she looked at that bead when she didn’t feel like she was worth anything or smart enough and it reminded her that someone else felt the same and she was not alone.   It made her feel good, and holding it made her know she was worthy even if someone was making her feel different.

It made her feel smart and worthy! That was all I needed to know! AJ Harding and our bracelets are making a difference.  I got my sign, and I knew we were on our way!   We are all about hope and changing the way we see each other ONE BEAD AT A TIME!   No matter what, we are all worthy and here for a reason. The reality is we shouldn’t need a red or pink bead to let us know that, but instead we should be telling each other that.  That bead sure did make a difference in my life and still does. I hope that bead will be a reminder to everyone who has one of my bracelets that they matter today and every day!

So, it’s a big story but a great one!  I am blessed to carry this on and blessed to help make a difference.  Douglas Harding Ruggles it was your dream help those in need just because you could, and I hope I am doing that for you and making you proud at the same time.

Bracelets are my thing, but our store will incorporate many different handmade items from other designers. Beautiful handmade items that will brighten your day or home and perhaps, maybe put a smile on someone’s face as a special gift.

Welcome to our store! Glad you stopped by today. If you wish please sign up for our newsletter, I would love to keep in touch with you!

Our Motto is to always be kind and smile! The world needs to see your smile today and every day!
Let’s do one thing every day to make the world a better place!

Debbie Kay Ruggles
CEO, AJ Harding Designs LLC.
The simplest tool you have to make someone’s day is your smile.

Arm Charm Collection
Dainty Multi colors of blue Bracelet Part of our Arm Charm Collection.
Dainty Multi colors of blue Bracelet Part of our Wrist Glam Collection.
AJ Harding Designs

Specialty Bracelets are not a problem


Special size. we can help!

we know everyone is not the same size! If you need a different size we are here to help. Email us and we can help create your bracelet to fit you!


Special Events

Have a special event such as a wedding or anniversary or girls’ vacation and you need something special, we can help! Email us and we will be glad to make your day by adding a little glam to it! Contact us at ajhardingdesignsm@mail.com


Small Business Wholesales

Want to try some in your small business store? We are always happy to see our bracelets take up a space in your store! Contact us to get the details. Contact us at ajhardingdesignsm@mail.com

AJ Harding Designs

We are happy you found us!